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Your Prayers

Design by chris

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bury Your Humanity

Its been more than a year since I've and I've decide to blog for fun though I know that not much of my peers would be reading my post.
Well, looking back at my past post really made me laugh ALOT! Looking at all the emotional and vulgar post , things that I couldn't believe that I've actually type them out.

Sec 4 this year is very tiring so far with N levels and stuff. I really regret slacking off last year as now it is so hard for me to get back on track and to discipline myself to take time off to study.But so far I think that things are going pretty smoothly.

Bury Your Humanity
To bury it deep within to the extend that no one can really see what're you thinking , how'd you feel.So that people won't have to worry about you.
To think and do only the right things so that you'll never lose focus in your goal.

These are the 2 goals I hope to achieve by the end of the year.
Dear Readers ,
I thank you for taking time off to read this post.

Your's sincerely,


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